Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers

PRP skin rejuvenation harley street london avanti aesthetics

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers can help rejuvenate your skin, reducing and in many cases smoothing out wrinkles completely, recapturing a younger looking you.

The Avanti Aesthetics clinic stocks a wide variety of naturally occurring, hyaluronic acid fillers.


Dermal fillers have been developed and used over a number of years for injection into the skin. They help to restore our skin to its former youthful appearance, by injecting into areas where the skin needs to be plumped up again to make it look firmer.

Dermal fillers are produced in different levels of effectiveness. In general, the thicker the product, the deeper it is injected into the dermal layer of the skin helping to plump out deeper lines and wrinkles, such as nose to mouth lines, to build cheek contours and augment the lips. These deeper fillers can also be used to fill scars and other facial blemishes.

As we age, not only does our facial skin progressively lose its elasticity and start to sag but changes in the deeper layers of the skin also contribute to the signs of ageing. The bone and soft tissues degenerate, especially in the mid-face and this leads to flattening of the facial features.

By adding volume to the cheeks, the former youthful facial fullness can be restored and enhanced thereby lessening the signs of ageing.

At the Avanti Aesthetics clinic we use thicker consistency Dermal Fillers for non-surgical cheek augmentation which will restore lost facial volume and provide skin structure and elasticity. These smooth injectable fillers are made from a natural complex sugar called Hyaluronic acid.

Naturally found in human skin, hyaluronic acid also assists in skin hydration by attracting and holding water. They are specially formulated to be used deep in the skin to add natural looking volume to the midface and cheek bone areas.

Injectable Lip Enhancement involves the precise placement of Dermal Fillers into parts of the lip and surrounding skin in order to enhance, shape, or add volume to the lips and to reduce surrounding wrinkles.

Lip Fillers enhance the natural beauty of younger lips as well as restore the plump, sensuous look that is lost with age in both men and women. Lip Fillers also add balance and symmetry to uneven lips and create harmony between the lips and other facial features.

Our Doctors understand that often the greatest fear of patients seeking lip enhancement is an overdone, unnatural result. We reassure our patients that we too find such a look unacceptable. Results will appear natural and not overdone.

Creating the perfect lips often involves much more than just increasing their size. Care and attention must also be given to the surrounding skin, such as filling the fine lines that appear above and below the lip, lifting the corners of the mouth that can sag with age, or correcting the “nose to mouth” lines that commonly appear to frame the mouth at either end. Neglecting these complementary enhancements can lead to an imbalance in the overall harmony between lips and face.

Nose Reshaping, also known as a Non-surgical Rhinoplasty or a Non-Surgical Nose Job, is an affordable procedure that uses dermal fillers to achieve a more attractive nose without having to go through the possible complications, downtime, and high costs associated with surgery.

It is ideal for individuals with a wide variety of aesthetic nose complaints.

These include:

  • A flat bridge – dermal fillers can be used to create a subtle increase in height
  • A slightly crooked or an off centre nose correction
  • Depressions which can be filled
  • Camouflage a bump or hook on the bridge of the nose
  • To balance the size of the nose in comparison with other facial features
  • To refine an asymmetrical nose
  • To refine the nose shape or size following surgical rhinoplasty
  • To achieve improvement in other minor concerns with the nose

By correcting these imperfections with dermal fillers, your nose will appear smaller, more symmetrical and attractive.

A non-surgical rhinoplasty is a lunchtime procedure, with very little or no bruising, no general anaesthetic, no extended healing time and has no effect on nasal breathing as it only involves the injection of dermal fillers into the skin.

Within 15 minutes, immediate correction will be achieved with minimum to no pain and no recovery or downtime. If you are considering nose reshaping, but do not wish to go through invasive and painful procedures, this safe and effective method may be for you.

The Tear Trough is the groove that runs under the eye between the lower eyelid and the cheeks which is commonly perceived as just skin discolouration and dark circles. In reality, the dark colour of the circles is often greatly exaggerated by a pronounced tear trough under the eye, as it will deflect light, thereby creating a shadow and an apparent increase of under eye circles and discolouration.

Under eye hollows may be hereditary and can occur at relatively young ages. Most commonly they occur as we age. As the fat directly under the eye begins to protrude with age, it can overhang and overshadow the tear trough, making it seem relatively deeper and darker and interrupting the previously smooth transition from the eyes to the cheeks.

During treatment small droplets of hyaluronic acid dermal filler are placed deep along the Tear Trough and around the eye rim and massaged and sculpted into place. The Tear Trough Fillers have built-in local anaesthetic allowing for a quicker and more comfortable treatment of the patient as well as less swelling. Ice and numbing cream can also be used to numb the area.

The final results are evident at roughly 1 week after all swelling has subsided. Results under the eyes last for up to 12 months.

By enhancing the chin, the jaw line can be sharpened; the profile of the face balanced, and the apparent amount of excess skin and fat in the neck can be reduced. Although surgical chin enhancement via placement of an implant can be carried out, non-surgical chin reshaping may be a more suitable option for those who are unsure of whether a permanent procedure is suitable and for those who do not wish to undergo surgery.

Dermal Fillers can simply be injected into the areas of the chin to improve the shape and forward protrusion of the chin. The results from this treatment can last up to 18 months with higher consistency Dermal Fillers commonly used in Chin Augmentation.

At Avanti Aesthetics we use only hyaluronic acid Dermal Fillers for Chin Augmentation, if you do not like the appearance of the final result it can be reversed with an enzyme called Hyaluronidase. Dermal Fillers in the chin tend to be favoured over implants because of the reversibility and safety of the procedure.

Treatment Time

30-40 minutes

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Pre-mixed with filler

Duration of Results

6-18 months

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Anti Wrinkle Injections

Restylane Vital Injections at Avanti Aesthetics

Anti Wrinkle Treatments

Anti Wrinkle Relaxing Injections are the most commonly requested anti-ageing cosmetic procedure in both Men and Women here at Avanti Aesthetics Clinic.


Wrinkle Relaxing Injections provide a safe, quick and reliable solution for fine lines and wrinkles with virtually no downtime, creating a youthful, relaxed appearance.

From the moment you were born, you were using your face to express yourself by yawning, crying, and smiling. Over the years, the overused facial muscles develop creases, typically between the eyebrows, around the eyes, and along the forehead, that can make you look tired, angry, or sad.

Wrinkle relaxing treatments can smooth out those lines, restoring a more youthful, less stressed expression to your face, you may even lose the urge to frown.

The most commonly treated areas include the vertical lines between the eyebrows, horizontal forehead lines and crow’s feet.

Anti wrinkle treatments can also be used to create an eyebrow lift, to stop the corners of the mouth from pulling down, to reduce gummy smiles by lowering the lip and to reduce neck bands. They reduce muscle bulk to refine and slim jaw lines, the cobbled appearance of the chin and horizontal lines above the chin can also be smoothed.

Keeping wrinkles away is possible and in some cases they can be completely eliminated, allowing the overlying skin to soften and smooth for a refreshed appearance. If you are bothered by lines and wrinkles on your face, schedule a consultation at Avanti Aesthetics to learn more about wrinkle treatments from one of our experienced skin care professionals.

Wrinkle relaxing injections are proven to be safe and effective however you will be provided with detailed consent and medical history forms which you will be asked to read and sign before treatment. You can ask our Doctors any other questions you may have regarding treatment.

The Doctor will deliver a small amount of botulinum toxin to the targeted muscle using an ultra-fine needle. Topical anaesthetic cream is not usually required prior to injections as there is very little discomfort. The injections are pain free with the use of a skin cooling device called Coolsense. This helps numb the area before injection resulting in a very comfortable experience.

The results of a treatment begin to appear from 4-14 days. Generally, after 3-4 months, the effects will begin to fade and facial features will gradually return to their former state. Repeated treatments progressively weaken the targeted muscles and can lead to more prolonged duration and less frequent treatments. Maintenance treatments are necessary to keep the effect for long periods of time.

Clients should avoid alcoholic beverages and anti-inflammatory medications before treatment. For the best results, schedule an appointment at least 2 weeks prior to any special events.

After treatment the Doctor will again go through any aftercare advice in order to maximise your treatment benefits and avoid any undesirable side effects. You can resume normal activities, drive yourself home or return to work immediately after the treatment.

Exercise should be avoided for 4 hours after the treatment, and the area should not be massaged for 24 hrs
It is safe to fly after the treatment, although we generally recommend that you wait 48hrs before flying long haul.

You are advised to attend for a review 2-3 weeks after your first treatment, follow ups are generally not required for subsequent treatments.

Treatment Time

10-15 minutes

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Not required

Duration of Results

3-4 months

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woman with clear skin and full lips, beauty close up

Lip Enhancement

woman with clear skin and full lips, beauty close up

Lip Enhancement with Dermal Fillers in London

Injectable Lip Enhancement involves the precise placement of Dermal Fillers into parts of the lip and surrounding skin in order to enhance, shape, or add volume to the lips and to reduce surrounding wrinkles.

Lip Fillers enhance the natural beauty of younger lips as well as restore the plump, sensuous look that is lost with age in both men and women. Lip Fillers also add balance and symmetry to uneven lips and create harmony between the lips and other facial features.


Patients requesting Lip Fillers come from all age groups. As we get older the lips age with the rest of the face resulting in thinning of the lips, appearance of tiny vertical lines, flattening of the graceful cupid’s bow of the upper lip, together with the upper lip lengthening and hanging over the teeth.

Others may have been born with thinner lips, and simply want a more defined cupid’s bow and greater lip volume to balance the other features of their face.

woman receiving bespoke facial at Avanti Aesthetics Clinic
woman receiving bespoke facial at Avanti Aesthetics Clinic
ZO Skin Health UK ZO Skin Health UK

Injectable Lip Enhancement involves the precise placement of Dermal Fillers into parts of the lip and surrounding skin in order to enhance, shape, or add volume to the lips and to reduce surrounding wrinkles.

Lip Fillers can enhance the natural beauty of younger lips as well as restore the plump, sensuous look that is often lost with age in both men and women. Lip Fillers can also add balance and symmetry to uneven lips, creating harmony between the lips and facial features.

Our Doctors understand that often the greatest fear of patients seeking lip enhancement is an overdone, unnatural result. We reassure our patients that we too find such a look unacceptable. Results will appear natural and not overdone.

Creating the perfect lips often involves much more than just increasing their size. Care and attention must also be given to the surrounding skin, such as filling the fine lines that appear above and below the lip, lifting the corners of the mouth that can sag with age, or correcting the “nose to mouth” lines that commonly appear to frame the mouth at either end. Neglecting these complementary enhancements can lead to an imbalance in the overall harmony between lips and face.

First we need to find out what you want to achieve. Following this, we’ll give you a frank and honest appraisal of what is possible given the raw material with which you were born. We take photos so that we can monitor your results over time. We supply numbing as needed. This may be a numbing cream or an injection as at the dentist, or both, although some fillers are now premixed with local anaesthetic and are comfortable enough without additional anaesthesia for many patients.

The procedure generally takes about 30 minutes. After the procedure the lips may appear a bit swollen for 3-5 days and it is best to plan ahead before a special date or event. We advise the use of an ice pack on the lips post treatment to reduce swelling and chances of bruising.

The Dermal Fillers we use are soft, clear, biodegradable Hyaluronic Acid (HA) gels that occur naturally in the body’s joints and skin such as Juvederm, Emervel and Restylane. These gels binds with water molecules once injected into the lips, which means they moisturise as well as plump the lips. No pre-treatment allergy testing is required with these naturally occurring lip fillers. Dr Parekh will discuss which product is best suited to you, depending on the desired outcome at consultation.

With ageing, gravity takes its toll and the corners of the mouth begin to sag and turn downward, leaving a persistent dour expression. Dermal Fillers can help turn the corners up, instantly creating a happier more positive expression. Happier, but not “Joker-like”. Subtle artistry is the sign of an excellent cosmetic lip treatment.

The results with Injectable Lip Fillers are temporary because the body eventually breaks down and absorbs the filler. The length of time results last varies between individuals and depends on the filler used. Approximately 6-9 months can be anticipated for most patients.

Though lip filling is a low risk procedure, your reaction is individual. The risks of lip enhancement are those associated with any injection of the skin and include redness, bruising, swelling, minor discomfort, tenderness, and infection. Occasionally, lip enhancement may cause cold sores to reappear, in which case anti-viral medication may be prescribed.

Most patients at Avanti Aesthetics will resume their daily activities after treatment but we would recommend that your first treatment be scheduled at the end of the day, or preferably at the end of the week.

Who is a candidate for lip enhancement?
men and women who desire to have fuller or more defined lips are all candidates for this procedure.

What is the intended result from having lip augmentation?
The intention is to give you the fuller lips you desire. For some patients with very thin lips, the goal may be to have a more normal and facially balanced appearance. For some patients, very thick and sexy lips are the goal. Some patients desire a defined edge to the lip or a return to their less aged lip.

Is anesthesia used during lip augmentation cosmetic procedure?
Yes, your lips will be numbed so that you feel no or minimal discomfort. Usually a numbing cream is used with or without a dental block to numb the lips. The Dermal Fillers used at Avanti Aesthetics also have built-in anaesthetic to make the procedure even more comfortable.

How long does the lip augmentation procedure last?
The lip augmentation procedure can last from five to thirty minutes, depending on the number of areas being treated.

How will my lips feel after lip augmentation?
After the lip augmentation procedure, you may experience some pain and swelling. This usually lasts a few days and in rare cases, the swelling and redness can persist for up to two weeks.

When will I see results?
Your lips will be bigger after the procedure because of the swelling and the filler. You will see the results of the filler alone in a few days after the swelling has subsided.

How long before I can return to my normal activities?
Most of our patients here at Avanti Aesthetics tend to resume daily activities almost immediately after Lip Enhancement.

How long do the results last?
The temporary fillers in the lip last approximately 6-9 months but results are individual specific.

Treatment Time

30-40 minutes

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Pre-mixed with filler

Duration of Results

6-18 months

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